Module 1: SKETCH
- Introduction to Solidworks & its interface.
- Navigation into applications (template selection) and display controls.
- Plane selection for sketch
- Sketch : Line,Rectangle,slot, , circle ,arc, polygon, polygon, spline, ellipse, conic, fillet, chamfer,text, point
- plane, trim entities, extend entities, convert entities and offset entities,mirror entities,
- Linear sketch pattern, circular sketch pattern,move entities.Sketch Constraints: geometric/dimensional, Display /delete relations
- Repair sketch, instant 2D, shaded sketch contours
- Edit sketch plane
- Exercises
- Introduction to feature based solid modeling
- Interface customization and navigation.
- Parent child relationship between features (dependencies).
- Use Feature Manager Design Tree
- Extruded Boss/Base & Extruded Cut
- Revolved Boss/Base & Revolved cut
- Hole Wizard & thread
- Swept Boss/Base & Swept cut
- Lofted Boss/Base & lofted cut
- Boundary Boss/Base & Boundary cut
- Fillet/Chamfer/Rib/Draft/Shell/Wrap/intersect/Flex
- Combine:Add, Subtrct,Common
- Feature creation order, reordering the tree structure.
- Mirror/Patterns
- Concept of data migration, conversion to NFF (IGES, STEP etc.), import and exporty
- Apply material
- Equation & Configuration
- Evaluate: measure
- Exercises
- Introduction to assembly concepts (top down, bottom up, ) & Solidworks assembly interface.
- Insert component, Mate-Standard mate
- pattern component, mirror component, copy with mates, suppress/ unsupress
- Move component/rotate component , show hidden components
- Assembly features,New Motion Study,Bill of material,Exploded View
- Validation: interference detection, clearance verification
- Top down design: New part, New assembly
- Exercises
Module 4: DRAFTING
- Introduction to drafting (Interactive, Generative) & Solidworks drafting interface.
- Sheet format /Size
- Sheet setup, sheet background Frame & title block, (template)
- View Layout: Projections orthographic, isometric, sections, details, broken-out section,Break view,Crop view,view related modifications
- Annotation – Smart Dimension, Dimension edition, tolerances and Dimension properties,format painter, Note, cirular pattern,Ballon, Auto Ballon,magnetic line, surfcae finish, weld symbol,Gemetrical Tolerance, Datum Feature,Datum Target,Blocks, Center Mark Area Hatch/Fill, Rivision Cloud, Tables-General table , Hole Table, Bill of Material.
- Drawing – Add Sheets, Rebuild
- Data Management Save Management/Print.
- Assembly Documentation BOM, Exploded view, Balloon Generation.
- Exercises
Module 5: SURFACE
- Introduction to different types of continuity.
- Defining planes for surface creation
- Curves
- Extrude, revolve, sweep, lofted surface Boundary surface
- Extract geometry, offset surface, fillets
- Extend surface ,Trim surface and Untrim surface
- Rruled surface, planer surface, fill surface
- Knit Surface, Delete face, Replace Face
- Solid creation from surface: thicken, thicken cut and cut with surface
- Exercises
Module 6: SURFACE
- Introduction to sheet metal, basic concepts of sheet metal.
- Introduction to sheet metal workbench interface.
- Base flange/Tab, Edge flange, miter flange
- Bending: Sketch Bend ,Jog, hem, Cross Break
- Corners,Forming tool, User defined forming tool.
- Sheet Metal Gusset, Extuded cut, Simple Hole, Vent, Unfold, Fold, Flatten, No bend, rip Insert Bends, Coverted to Sheet Metal, Lofted Bend
- Exercises
Value Addition
- Engg Drawing Reading
- GD&T
- Resume building
- Mock Interview – 1
- Project – 1